rasuras são tentativas, e na marginalidade há margem para muitos erros.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wish you were here

Dedicated to all the loved ones, wherever they are.

(at lake Mývatn, North Iceland, September 2013)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


"There is a midway condition which a man of such a destiny will not be able to recall without emotion: it is characterized by a pale, subtle happiness of light and sunshine, a feeling of bird-like freedom, bird-like altitude, bird-like exuberance, and a third thing in which curiosity is united with a tender contempt. A 'free-spirit' - this cool expression does one good in every condition, it is almost warming. One lives no longer in the fetters of love and hatred, without yes, without no, near or far as one wishes, preferably slipping away, evading, fluttering off, gone again, again flying aloft; one is spoiled, as everyone is who has at some point seen a tremendous number of things beneath him - and one becomes the opposite of those who concern themselves with things which have nothing to do with them. Indeed, the free spirit henceforth has to do only with things - and how many things! - with which he is no longer concerned..."
Friedrich  Nietzsche,  in the prologue to  "Human, all too human"

Sunday, June 30, 2013

while the Earth goes on spinning

The latest motion images captured on this journey in Iceland - May and June.

While the Summer season has started, the time to seat quietly and let the inspiration reveal itself in words seems scarce, but I am looking for that moment, to share once again in this blog some of the happenings through a text.

Enjoy the Summer, wherever you are!

Monday, June 10, 2013